I updated my Manifesto

Last year I wrote a manifesto, a personal contract to myself with words that would inspire me when I’m feeling a bit lost on this journey. I went back into it this year and I think it’s perfect now.


Create for yourself. Create to bring joy to others. Create to start a dialogue and to share what you think is beautiful. Art is your voice, no one can take that away from you. Be as loud, hard, sweet or as soft as you want. It is okay to take some time for yourself when you think your craft may suffer. It is okay to say no to work if your heart’s not in it. When you are proud of your work it will show in how you talk about it. Your love will show in your lines and the new life they have given. Trust yourself. Trust your hands. Trust this path you are on. You were born to create.


Your body is your vessel. It is your vehicle to your destination. You can’t get where you are going without fuel. You can’t get there if you are not healthy. A balanced ship will get there just fine. Sweat when you can, stretch often, and know you are beautiful always. What you think of yourself matters more than any comment, like or person’s opinion. Be confident in who you are. You are a gift. You are able bodied. You have breath. Invest in yourself. Be patient with yourself. Know change does not happen overnight. Be consistent in your self love. Healing takes time.


Take care of your mind and only good things will follow. It is okay to find inspiration in other people and in the world, but it’s not okay to feel inferior or that you are lesser than anyone else. Like all things in life, everyone is different, everyone requires different conditions to grow. As long as you are always giving your best, you should be happy. Work hard. Nothing happens without hard work. Nothing happens without a cause. Be the spark that makes your life light up.


In your hustle don’t forget to take a breath. It’s okay to say you need a time out. It’s ok to say nothing. It’s okay not to move. Be one with your environment. Be one with your thoughts. Don’t fight them, they are a part of you. Keep learning to be at ease with them and they won’t seem so loud. It’s okay to spoil yourself, once in a while. Sometimes your soul needs some love too. Sometimes you need a reward to keep going. That’s okay, money is just money, it comes and goes. We want to be rich in ways we can take to the grave.


Remember where you are right now is temporary. Remember where you are now is once where you wanted to be. Keep creating new goals and working towards those. Every day something gets a little better, a little easier to bear. Nothing is the end of the world, even if it feels like it is. You are living proof that it gets better. You work hard, you are loyal, and you are dedicated. You can be shy, you can be scared, but don’t be silent. Don’t snuff out your light because you are too frightened to let it shine. Don’t be afraid of who you can be. Like momma always says, “Be the best version of yourself every day”. Grow and learn every day. Keep changing for the better. It’s okay to be lost and ask for help. Somebody always knows more than you about something. Find that thing, listen and learn.


Continue to love openly; you are an overflowing vessel. Pour that happiness, temperament and understanding into others. May you be the stone that causes a ripple effect, making other lives richer and more meaningful. Be a beacon when someone is lost. With your love and light shining, no one is ever alone. Listen when someone is hurt. Share when they are open. Keep giving not to get, but because it makes you happy. That is where the purest love is bred. That is where your heart is founded.


“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

— Anonymous